Thursday, June 16, 2011

Nesting and waiting for you

Dear Babyji -

Daddyji is painting our room beautiful earthy colors so that by the time you arrive we will have a colorful and welcoming space. You are welcome to arrive, by the way, at any time now. Your 'due date' is June 25th. Tonight at dinner we all made guesses to estimate when you and when Rose and Casey's baby will arrive. One guess for you is as early as the day after tomorrow and one is as late as the 1st of July.

I had a contraction yesterday while Marcelo and I were in the hardware store getting some paint. This got me very excited and smiling so very wide. I kept hoping that another one would come on. . .but I guess its not our time yet. I will just patiently wait and prepare for your birth in the meantime.

Our midwife, Kathy, is pleased with my health and your heartbeat. I am confident that we are all going to work well together to transition you from the womb to the world. She even made a little hat for you to wear when you arrive.

A couple of weeks ago, the womenfolk at the ecovillage and some of Rose's friends from out of town got together to have a blessingway for Rose and me (and you, of course). About a dozen of us sat together in a field at the northwest corner of the property to honor the miracle of birth and to empower us in this most transformational of moments in life. Women shared their stories, some shared advice, and some blessed the divinity of motherhood. It was a beautiful sunny day and we rejoined the menfolk at dusk to share a potluck meal - but not before Rose and I received foot baths and massages! Later, we both had henna drawn on our rotund bellies.

The ecovillage seems to be almost as excited as we are to welcome you here. They have offered their gifts and their support. Many people have already given you gifts and they haven't even met you! We had a shower for you on the east coast and many of your blood relatives came to offer gifts, both material and immaterial - books and clothes, support and love.

Well, Babyji, we are all just very excited to meet you. Your grandparents are coming here on the 30th and I hope you are born right before then or soon after they arrive. Its a long way for them to come out here to meet you and I think it would be in your best interest to take advantage of their presence and get out here just as soon as you are able!

We are loving you and all of your kicks out the side of my torso. Can't wait to see you do all your tricks here on the outside.




Nosleumasrovert said...

Looking forward to seeing some of Babyji's tricks! I am happy to read Mommyji and Babyji are happy and healthy.

George Walker said...

Awww...the same night as the next DC Square Dance! How auspicious!

Have a great birth, all_yji!


Lunarobots said...

loving being able to keep up with you, babyji, and Macelo. Miss you guys and can't wait to see what babyji has to say when he pops out